
Monday 25 May 2020

MIT - Prototype @KPMG

It is time to start creating our prototype.

I have been using Hapara to feed the students activities such as Making Questions and Using Questions to inspire writing along with Onomatopoeia Slides. I have found this frustrating because if I update the slides, I have to resend and I can't take back what has already been shared. I prefer the idea of the activities going on the class site (for trialling) then if we find a mistake we can update and the students can make another copy or copy the part (slide) that is updated.

Here is the beginning of my prototype: Creating Writers Site.

The start of the content on the site which I have checked in incognito.

As you can see, some parts are coming soon. Other ideas I have for the activities include: introducing and using Speech, Setting, Strong Emotion, Fact, Definition, Funny/Pun, Never expected and Quotes. This is not an exhaustive list, however.

My next question is: Should it all be on one page? If not, how do I separate the content, so it makes sense?

I also would like to redo some of the videos so the content flows better and therefore providing a distinct difference between introducing an activity and using it.

Having looked at what others are starting to do, I am also considering adding a Kahoot for each topic as a fun way to help identify or test learning.

I look forward to receiving any and all feedback on this prototype.

Friday 8 May 2020

Numicon - Uses and Usefulness

We started using Numicon in our Junior School to help bolster numeracy in our school.

I could see how it was useful for adding, making tens, and adding with ten. I was told it is so much more but, as I only had access to the coloured number shapes, so it was hard to believe.


The Numicon number shapes are weighted. If you put the shapes for 2 and 2 together on the scales, it weighs the same as the 1 and 3 which is the same as the shape 4. The new Cuisenaire rods are also weighted in this way.


Numicon is great to help students to move from the concrete use of materials to the idea of imaging for the more abstract concepts.

As for all new learners in a topic, the mathematical language is often lacking. With Numicon students can show their understanding through manipulation of the shapes. Group discussion helps students to learn the language through talking. 


Students and teachers often learn while they are fiddling. A teacher can be explaining the method to the group while they are moving the shapes. While reinforcing the concept to a slower learner, the group can continue to work on other examples to show their understanding.

The more they touch the more they enjoy, the more they enjoy the more they engage.


Breaking Barriers - Teaching Handbook

Assessment Booklet

Learning Sign Language

I have wanted to learn New Zealand Sign for a few years and use the NZSL app to help when I try to sign.

Having students in class with hearing issues has made this more urgent and important.

Thanks to Kayla and NZSL each Thursday for the next few weeks a few colleagues and myself are learning Sign Language to help our students.

Here is one video link we used. This list covers what is in the video.


We have talked about how there are other ways to learn sign through song. It is one way I like to learn it through praise songs.


I have also included the slide that has some ideas if you wish to pursue this further.

Thursday 7 May 2020

Culturally Responsiveness - What is it? - Part 2

Is it about being 'Culturally Responsive' or having 'Relationship-based Learning'? 

We were sent home with a few articles we could read with a focus on Values (one I have already talked about Respecting Students

Encouraging Student Voice TKI

According to a study done by Dr Jude MacArthur (2009), Students want their teachers to:
  • get to know them
  • give them opportunities to talk about what school is like for them
  • listen to their views
  • take their views into consideration when planning and teaching
  • support them to make school a better place
  • allow them to be part of the whole peer group and to be fully involved
That means teachers need time
  • to talk with students and whanau
  • share ideas and experiences with other teachers
  • consult with colleagues who can inform them about eh effects of students impairments on their learning.
  • to develop respectful and equal relationships in their school

The Importance of Teaching Tolerance to Children  You are Mom

Tolerance is being willing to understand other points of view. That means as teachers and students we show and teach consideration, respect, commitment to others, and an even social playing field. 

The first way to teach tolerance is through our own judgement. This means we need to be tolerant ourselves, by showing respect, empathy, and good treatment of others. 

Honesty: The Plain and Simple Truth by Frank Sonnenberg

Everything depends on honesty. Why do you think in front of a judge you are asked to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Relationships can't be but on mistrust and lies, we don't like to follow leaders if we mistrust them. Our instinct when we hear something with our ears and our eyes see something else is to not believe because our brains are telling us something is wrong. 
Many forms of dishonesty include:
  • Misrepresentation
  • Fabrication
  • Exaggeration
  • Denial
  • Lack of Transparency
  • Redirection
  • False Recognition
  • Broken Promise
  • Cover-up
  • Hypocrisy
  • Bait and Switch
  • Living a Lie

Any way you look at it when people distort the truth they put their credibility at risk.

When you stand for honesty you believe in yourself and everything you represent. Honesty is a way of life showing you deeply care about trust, relationships and value the importance of a solid reputation.

Hence - Never lie to someone who trusts you and never trust someone who lies to you!

School Values - Rubric: Where do I fit?

Onomatopoeia - Student Work

MIT - Reflection on a trial of writing tools with distance learning.

We have been learning about Onomatopoeia through distance learning.
Through Google Meet, we have a focus of one slide each day to ensure understanding.

Here are the slides created for students to engage and add to so show what they are doing. The master now has access to video teaching, which was added in case they needed more support.

This first one of my favourite slide 9.

The second one slide 4 and 5 are great and how they used callouts.

This one the way they have used the onomatopoeia in the story is awesome.

The beginning sentence on slide 8 models how we can start with Onomatopoeia.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Cultural Responsiveness - What is it?

Is it about being 'Culturally Responsive' or having 'Relationship-based Learning'? 

We started out reading a range of informative articles and light to read. 

First, we all read ... 

Strategies for Teachers to Develop Positive Relationships with Students. By Derrick Meador

Best teacher practice maximises learning potential by developing positive, respectful relationships.

The first thing in the year we need to do is earn their trust. This with mutual respect helps to develop a thriving classroom. 

As teachers, we have to Provide Structure, Teach with Enthusiasm and Passion, Have a Positive Attitude (which is hard when you feel unvalued, you can smile and be positive but you are constantly waiting for the other boot to fall). Incorporate Humor into Lessons, Make Learning Fun (we all wish to have fun all day every day, it makes learning so much easier), Use Students' Interest to Our Advantage, Incorporate Storytelling into Lessons, Show an Interest in their lives, Treat with Respect and Go the Extra Mile.

Then we could pick one of the following, but as I said they were relevant, 
reaffirming and easy to read.

Why Respecting Students Is Essential for Teacher Effectiveness. By Derrick Meador

This article talks about how respecting students boost teacher effectiveness, but our showing respect at all times including tense moments gives them the mana and self-worth to learn. Educators should be adult enough, professional enough and smart enough to conduct themselves in a controlled manner. Teachers must think before they react and choose words carefully. (Who wants to end up on YouTube.) 

It is the old adage - If you don't have anything nice to say better to say nothing at all!

Building Strong, Trusting Student-Teacher Relationships is a must as School should be a safe haven and students should trust all of their administrators, teachers and staff members. Their differences should be valued. We need to have patience and understanding, sometimes the best way to do this is to take a deep breath, think about your response and choose your words carefully before you say anything. Berating and embarrassing students is a sure-fire way to make them feel unworthy preventing learning. There is a difference between having high expectations and unreal expectations. 

Everyone deserves a second chance!

Relationships take time, they don't happen overnight!

Focus on These Four Areas to Create a Classroom Environment Conducive to Learning. By Matthew Lynch

Physical Space

To create an environment conducive to learning you must first focus on the physical space. 
We need to consider: Do we need a mat space, where will students keep their belongings, tables and furniture in mostly moveable but we need to consider body side how students will move in and out or the class... and don't forget the wall space. 

Getting Students to Co-operate

This requires a neat and organised environment helping students to co-operate. Most teachers start with clearly defined rules, routines and expectations, which include transitions from place to place and these usually need to be practised to correct undesirable behaviour. Then these need to be maintained.

Creating a Communal Atmosphere

Everyone needs to feel they belong, and that includes teachers and students, whanau, along with auxiliary staff, Everyone is needed to make a school run smoothly! TO do this we need to take an interest in each other, a real personal interest. 

In the class that means your care include the curriculum, instruction, assessment and society. We need to lead by example if we show we care, it is easier to encourage them to do the same, aiming for collaboration.

Classroom Climate and Culture

Now the class has a sense of community we can build a positive atmosphere to help accelerate learning. We as teachers are constantly encouraging, modelling co-operation and have a focus on individuals and lessons are well-organised, progress smoothly and free from interruptions.

RPI 4 - Guided Reading & Comprehension

 Guided Reading with Targeted Comprehension Background to Guided Reading A Guided Reading approach is based on the extensive work in the 196...