Aim -
- To increase children's comprehension skills
- To have all children actively engaged in thinking and participating during reading.
- To encourage the children to think about thinking while they are doing a reading task so they comprehend text independently.
- To increase the time children are on task.
Equipment -
Lesson one -
Introduce some of the procedure for reciprocal teaching/reading
Set group rules together
Discuss with teacher
- The strategies that the students will be learning
- Why they are learning these strategies
- When they maybe helpful for them
- How they learnt he strategies
Procedures to introduce
Predicting - What the text will be about or what will come next.
I think the next part will be about...
Clarifying - What does clarify mean?
Does anyone need anything clarified?
Is there anything you would like to ask?
I'd like to know what _______ means?
What is this word? (points)
Practise using text.
Reminder Chart