
Monday 12 November 2018

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Reciprocal Teaching Session 2 and 3

Summarising - Sharing what I read in my own words.

This part is about ...
Please summarise for us ... (pick a group member)
My summary is ...

The child who has acted as the teacher can then pick the next person to be the teacher.

Practise the process using text.

Prompt Chart for the child being the teacher.

Lesson three -

We will  revise all the strategies quickly. 
  • Using an easy text to start
  • Teacher will lead dialogue
  • Teacher to model strategy for children
  • Students add their own predictions and clarifications
  • Students to respond to teacher generated questions
  • Students comment on teacher's summaries

Evaluation of Reciprocal Teaching/Reading

After practising for at least 20 sessions/lessons, to ensure children are first able to externalise strategies then internalise them and use them independently.

Then students can -
  • move to instructional level text
  • develop more responsibility for initiating and sustaining the dialogue

And the Teacher will -
  • move to more of a monitoring role
  • providing extra modelling if necessary
  • give feedback for improving strategies

RPI 3 - All Things Text

  Text Selection - Day 3 - RPI Today I decided to start with an image (Thanks Kiri) as the RPI or Reading Practice Intensive is about pickin...