
Thursday, 20 June 2019

Teaching Dialogue and How to Record It

After our last writing sample, I notice the attempts to include speech. We looked at how it would look if it was being spoken aloud.

So we drew 2 people talking and added the conversation that would happen at home. Then we looked at how it would look in a story. (Our first draft in our books we used stick figures)

We need to remember that speaking does happen in a vacuum. In other words the people are doing something, cooking dinner, playing on the PlayStation...

Each person who speaks what they say starts on a new line.

If only two people are speaking that the third or consecutive lines do not need the tag line 'said Mum.' only the first two need it.

RPI 9 - Sharing

Green is a strength, so they obviously stayed the same.  Blue was teaching practice to strengthen and integrate. Orange is now more confiden...