Time is upon us, unfortunately, this weekend we were due to go to Cook Island but due to travel restrictions, this is not happening. As I sit here feeling cold I am slightly disappointed to not be in a warmer climate. However, I am glad we are all safe.
I am however getting ready for the main presentation of my MIT project that will be given to numerous principals and Manaiakalani Trust members. 20 slides that will go into a Pecha Kucha, which will make the slides ticket over every 20 seconds, so a total of 7 minutes I will be presenting. It doesn't sound long, especially when I stood in front of the staff recently and did professional development on sign language for 30 minutes (although that was partly hands-on). Not nervous, not nervous. Have I convinced you yet?
Here is what I have started with which developed into ... now to put together the slides and practise what I want to say (which will be in the speaker notes).