
Monday 3 June 2024

RPI - Reflection on Guided Reading Process

 To improve my Guided Reading Lesson, 

  1. I will focus on sharing the learning intention, as I can be hit and miss with this and the purpose behind the learning intention, and reading responses or follow-up activities are related to these. 

With all students the purpose or reason for learning is important but I have found it even more so as students are older. It helps students engage as they too can see the purpose behind what they are learning and how it applies to life (which gives it meaning outside the classroom). 

Regardless of how time-poor I feel, students are more engaged providing more focused learning time and better results.

      2. Sharing how to be successful

We all like to be successful and the best way is to know what to do next, how did we get through Uni, by knowing what was expected and when it was expected, 

      3. Being quiet, giving students time to respond.

Manaiakalani observes teachers, as part of this they look for students interacting with students, or extended discussions, (without the teacher directing or forcing the conversation). Again as I am teaching older students they don't need me to fill in the gaps of discussion, and silence, they may occasionally need discussion scaffolds, but that doesn't mean I answer.
      4. Prior Knowledge Activation or Activites.
Again is this because they are older students, I often forget to have a discussion on what students know about the text and dive in. However, this is important for students who are struggling readers or writers and this discussion or activity can help them focus in on what they are about to learn. 

I see it happening at home one minute we are talking about my boys' rugby and the next it is the national teams and I am lost and wondering why I have to be at a game at 7pm at night. All because a couple of words have been missed in the conversation and assumptions are made.

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